The Next Chapter

The Next Chapter Helps Subject-Matter Experts Market & Sell Your Expertise So You Can Focus on the Business You Love and Fuels Your Purpose

Having an additional income stream leveraging your skills and experience is a great asset to have.

Especially in this day and age, where people don’t want to retire yet still want to do something that makes you feel fulfilled.

The Next Chapter is for you if:

  • You desire a work-life balance
  • You enjoy the work you do
  • Don’t want nor need to “scale” things up, just keep things simple

Steve Jobs, former co-founder of Apple, loved his walking meetings with his inner circle.

Join me for “virtual” walking meetings where I share insights specifically for people who want to design an additional income stream with skills & knowledge you’ve gained.

The Next Chapter (Walk with Me-Tiny Empires) Step 1 optin
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